Currently, I am overdue my hormone jab and it's horrible.
Usually, I get very low but for some reason this time my emotions are running very high, mainly experiencing anger and frustration.
I think this is due to the fact that I am in almost constant pain with cramps (like period cramps, except without the period). It is so debilitating and can leave me feeling faint and nauseous.
Baggy clothing is the only option as I am suffering from so much dysphoria and hatred of my body that I need to hide it as much as possible.
I know that feeling like this is ridiculous as I'm becoming more and more body confident by the week and life is pretty wonderful right now, but I really can't help these mood swings. I can go from being completely care-free to wanting to rip my flesh from my bones in the matter of seconds.
My next jab is on Monday and it can't come any sooner.