Sunday, 4 September 2016

Dumb Questions Answered

I thought it would be fun to actually answer all the dumb questions I, and a few others, have been asked by aqcaintences, because apparently I have nothing better to do.

You'd have to find someone who's pansexual because gay men won't be attracted to you, right?
This is actually really offensive. I see where you're coming from but nevertheless. The definition of homosexuality is being attracted to the same gender. So some gay men are perfectly capable of being attracted to transguys.

If a woman dates a man that used to be a woman, that makes her a lesbian, right?
Well, with that logic if you date someone who used to be a child, that makes you a paedophile, right?

So, I assume you're a bottom?
Just because we may not have the natural equipment doesn't mean we can't be a top. I have a penis, it's just detachable.

Do you have sex the gay way?
Well... if two men have sex... that's pretty gay.

Do you have sex the lesbian way?
Ok, you're not listening to me.

What's in your pants?

But how do you pee?
If I have my packer with me, I pee standing up using it. Otherwise, I'm not skilled enough at aiming to stand, but the thought is pretty hilarious.

If you don't get a willy, doesn't that make it pointless?
A lot of transmen don't get lower surgery. 1) Because they don't want to 2) Have you seen how terrifying the surgery is?!

When you get your penis, can I see it?
Can I see yours? No? That would be weird and inappropriate? Then what makes you think you can see mine?

Does the voice in your head change as your voice drops?
I actually really like this question. I always had a deeper voice in my head, but now I think my actual voice is deeper and raspier. So no, I don't think so.
And a lot of the time I read in Will Arnett's voice...

Can I call you [insert birthname]?
NO. That's no longer my name so why would you ever call me that?

After writing this I've realised how many inappropriate, sexual questions I and so many other trans people are asked and expected to answer. Why is it anybody's business how we have sex or what genitals we have? How about they get to know us for who we are and they might just learn something.


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