Friday, 13 January 2017

8 Months on T - Update and Voice Comparison


Let's get started.
My snail trail has spread out so my stomach is quite furry, I'm also getting hairs on my chest. My facial hair is still pathetic but if I don't shave I get some pretty awesome - if barely visible - mutton chops.
My acne has got considerably worse. It's not that bad, but it's just annoying and I'd rather not have it so I have prescribed gel.
My body shape continues to gradually change. I'm having to wear belts and braces (mainly braces) with most of my trousers after they fell down along the high street one time...
My voice is pretty much the same, although I rarely have voice cracks anymore, so I think it's pretty much settled. Take a look:

Everybody says that testosterone doesn't change who you are. I agree with this because essentially I am still the exact same person I was in May, but there is one vital difference. I'm happy.

I don't cry about my body anymore.
I don't dehydrate myself so I can avoid using public bathrooms.
I don't hide in the cubicle until the bathroom is empty so I can sneak out.
I don't have crippling anxiety anymore.
I don't avoid talking to strangers because of my voice.
I don't feel the need to be in a relationship.
I don't feel trapped.

My outlook on life is much brighter and I'm able to be myself around others, with out holding back in fear of being misgendered.
So, yes, I have changed somewhat, but not in the way most would think. I'm still very much in touch with my feminine side and enjoy the same things I did pre-T.
Basically, I'm happier, more confident, more blunt, more relaxed, more driven and more sociable.
I may not be a role model for the trans community, I don't travel to meet other trans people, or have a six-pack (and never will, I'm far too lazy), or do talks etc, but I do hope that I have enlightened some people and perhaps even changed their opinions on transitioning for the better.

Please continue to encourage trans people to get this far. I never knew how happy a jab in the butt every three months could make me. *face palms*


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